1)numpy.mat将数组转化为矩阵numpy.mat(data, dtype=None)Interpret the input as a matrix.Unlike matrix, asmatrix does not make a copy if the input is already a matrix or an ndarray. Equi……
17-04-14 立刻查看
Document(here):POST Multiple Multipart-Encoded FilesYou can send multiple files in one request. For example, suppose you want to upload image files to an HTML form with a multipl……
17-04-11 立刻查看
添加右键上传到七牛选项Win 右键点击文件增加“上传到七牛”选项,Python 调用七牛接口上传文件Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\UploadQiniu\Command]@="run.bat \"%1\""保存为 AddQiniu.reg,双击运行。……
17-03-14 立刻查看